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Remove New Oven Smell Easily

Posted on 17/07/2024

There's nothing quite like installing a new oven in your kitchen. It's clean, shiny, and ready to help you create delicious meals. However, there's one downside-- the notorious new oven smell. This unpleasant odor is usually a mix of chemicals, packaging materials, and protective coatings that are invisible yet impactful. Fortunately, you can get rid of it quickly and easily with some practical steps. In this article, we'll provide you with effective methods to remove the new oven smell, ensuring your kitchen remains a pleasant environment.

Why Does My New Oven Smell?

The new oven smell is typically caused by a combination of factors. The manufacturing process involves using various chemicals and residual oils. These materials need time to burn off when the oven is used. Additionally, packaging materials and protective coatings can contribute to this odor. It's essentially the off-gassing of these substances when heated that causes the smell.

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Pre-Clean Your Oven

Before you even consider using your new oven, it's a good idea to give it a thorough cleaning. Even if it looks spotless, there can still be remnants of manufacturing residues.

    • Wipe Down Interior: Use a damp cloth with mild soap to wipe down every surface inside the oven. Make sure to get all the corners and crevices.

    • Remove and Clean Racks: Take out the oven racks and clean them with warm, soapy water.

First Burn-Off

The initial heating process, known as the "burn-off," helps significantly decrease the new oven smell.

    1. Ensure the room is well-ventilated by opening windows and turning on exhaust fans.

    1. Set your oven to a high temperature, around 250-300?C (482-572?F).

    1. Let it run for about 30 minutes to an hour.

During this process, you may notice a strong odor and possibly some smoke. This is completely normal and will subside as the oven continues to burn off these residues.

Using Natural Odor Absorbers

In addition to the burn-off, you can use natural remedies to help neutralize the smell.

    • Baking Soda: Place a bowl of baking soda inside the oven and leave it overnight to absorb odors.

    • Vinegar and Water Solution: Fill a baking dish with equal parts vinegar and water, and bake it at a low temperature for about an hour.

    • Lemon: Squeeze fresh lemon juice on a baking sheet or dish, add some water, and bake at a low temperature for an hour. The citrus scent helps neutralize chemical odors.

Maintain Proper Ventilation

Keep the room well-ventilated whenever you're using your new oven. Make sure to use an exhaust fan, open windows, or use a portable fan to circulate the air and dissipate any lingering smells.

Pros and Cons


    • Effective in removing strong chemical odors.

    • Involves household items, making it cost-effective.

    • Promotes a healthier cooking environment.


    • Initial odor can be quite strong and unpleasant.

    • Burn-off process might produce smoke, requiring proper ventilation.

    • Time-consuming for those eager to use their new appliance right away.


    • Always read your oven's user manual for specific cleaning guidelines.

    • Consider using a store-bought oven cleaner designed for new appliances.

    • Avoid using harsh chemicals that can leave residues and exacerbate smells.

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    • The new oven smell is a common issue but can be easily managed.

    • Initial cleaning and burn-off are crucial steps to eliminate odors.

    • Natural remedies like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon can effectively neutralize smells.

    • Proper ventilation is essential in dissipating chemical odors.


Getting rid of the new oven smell doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right approach and tools, you can enjoy your new appliance without the unpleasant odor lingering in your kitchen. Pre-cleaning, performing a reliable burn-off, and using natural odor absorbers are all effective methods. Additionally, maintaining proper ventilation and following the tips provided will help ensure your kitchen remains fresh-smelling and inviting. Enjoy your new oven and the delicious meals it will help you create!

Paul Nellessen
Paul Nellessen

Paul, a proficient manager in cleaning services, possesses the capability to address all kinds of dirt and stains using environmentally friendly methods. His expertise enables businesses and homeowners to swiftly achieve a hygienic property.

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